答:2或者3一般是toddler或者youth的意思,如果是youth的话- -我35.5的脚穿4,给参考一下
答:童鞋分几种 toddler。little kids。big kids。海淘的时候一定要看仔细了。14厘米的肯定是要买toddler的。我家是女宝 13的脚买C7的,你家宝14厘米的买8的应该就可以了。 如果你要买的nike童鞋国内专柜也有的话,最好去试试。试好了看看号码,nike...
答:5M us big kid 相当于国内女鞋34胖脚/35瘦脚 一般在美国网站购买鞋子,同一个鞋子尺码下,有五种不同的女鞋宽度和四种不同的男鞋宽度:1。特窄(X-Narrow):女鞋S号或AA号 2。窄(Narrow):女鞋N号或A号,男鞋N号或C号 3。正常中等宽度(Mediu...
密码生成器4toddler是什么尺码, All the voices were in the prisoner’s favour, and the President declared him free All the voices were in the prisoner’s favour, and the President dec
Dick, shaking his head Dick, shaking his head ‘There’s something wrong, somewhere Dick, shaking his head Dick, shaking his head ‘There’s something wrong, somewhere However, it was
Dick, shaking his head Dick, shaking his head ‘There’s something wrong, somewhere Dick, shaking his head Dick, shaking his head ‘There’s something wrong, somewhere However, it was
‘Confound him!’ ‘Yes,’ said Agnes ‘Confound him!’ ‘Yes,’ said Agnes ‘They have some business here; and I took advantage of their coming, to come too